Welcome to My Gay Spanish, ¡mis cielas!
Enjoy the latest Episode, Sweetie!
The ONLY podcast where you learn Spanish like it’s last call at the gay bar.
And no, you don’t need to be gay, but you do need to enjoy learning while having fun. Now, don’t ask us about this TONTERÍA again, Honey. Just listen!
MYGAYSPANISH is a Spanish podcast for intermediate and advanced speakers delivered in the tone of your favorite DRAG SHOW.
¡Ríete mientras aprendes y disfruta tu camino de aprendizaje con nosotros!
Recent Episodes
En esta segunda temporada de MY GAY SPANISH, vamos a hablar sobre el tema de BESOS. Besos asquerosos, besos maravillosos. Charlamos de todo!
Estamos de vuelta. Ya empieza la segunda temporada de MY GAY SPANISH. Y el tema es “cosas de tías”. Que dirias si estuvieras en los zapatos de una tia? Vamos a ver. On the first episode of MGS’s second season, we’re going to find out what the tias do. Let’s go. Vamanos.
Segunda Temporada de MY GAY SPANISH
Bienvenidos a la segunda temporada de MY GAY SPANISH. Rebe estaba atrapada en Marte y Fredy la estaba buscando para hacer mas episodios. Ya ambos están en la misma planeta, entonces…ya viene más episodios. BUCKLE UP, SEASON 2 OF MY GAY SPANISH IS ALMOST HERE!
Ep 101: Ghosting
Ever been ghosted? Or were you the Puta que gosteó? Let’s talk about it. Tenemos cosas que platicar, queridos.
Ep 102: Ricas Excéntricas
Did you know Pablo Escobar had a gold toilet? Shakira her own private island? Maybe you want to live in Paris Hilton’s mansion…for her dogs! It’s the RICH B*TCH episode and we’re going to talk about all of it, but in SPANISH.
Ep 103: Magia
Learn Spanish, while visiting the world of magic, including, spells, brujas, aliens and anal probes! We’re going to talk about all of it, but in Spanish!
Ep 104: Cachetadas De Perra
Bitch slaps! Cachetadas! Bofetónes! We’re going to talk about both giving and receiving a righteous slap and those ‘oh so wrong’ ones too. It’s time to talk B*tch slaps, but in Spanish and it’s going to sting!
Ep 105: Dietas Horribles
Have you ever done anything crazy to try and lose some weight? Good, you are not alone. It’s time to talk DIETAS HORRIBLES/ HORRIBLE DIETS with Rebecca and Fredy, but in SPANISH. Learn while you burn…those excess pounds, by laughing!
Ep 106: Fiestas De La Juventud
Let’s re-live both a Bar Mitzvah and a Sweet 16 all over again! But, this time in SPANISH!
Ep 107: Las Reinas
Are you a Queen? Want to be? Let’s talk about it. All the best Queens from a French, bisexual, swordswoman to a South American beauty queen. It’s time to talk REINAS, but in SPANISH!
Ep 108: La Llorona
Have you heard the one about the woman who cries and screams as she walks by lakes and rivers? No? Well, it’s time to learn the LEGEND OF LA LLORONA…in Spanish!
Welcome to My Gay Spanish. If you’re wondering “Quienes Somos” — wonder no more. Here’s a little bit about us and the show.

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Meet the Hosts
REBECCA is an American comedian and content creator with some Latin-ish roots. Over the pandemic, she took nearly 500 hours of Spanish lessons with…
…FREDY who is a Colombian Spanish teacher and content creator. He’s a top ranked teacher on ITALKI.COM and loves to help people improve their Spanish in an entertaining and more effective way.